
Peace of mind is a fact

Certifications are vital to a manufacturing business like Bolon. They not only prove we are committed to fulfilling and exceeding current and future legislative and environmental standards – they also represent peace of mind for our customers, retailers and any other parties using our flooring across the 55 countries we are active in.

ISO 14001:2015

Is a standardized management system for the environment. Through certification and regular audits, the opportunity to minimize environmental impact increases. 


The EcoVadis certification evaluates how we manage ESG risk and compliance, meet sustainability goals, and guide the sustainability improvement of Bolon and our value chain.


Our products are in compliance with Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 (the Construction Products Regulation). Reaction to fire class: Bfl – s1


The UKCA marking is the product marking used in Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) and applies to most products previously subject to the CE marking.


The EPDs are a transparent independently verified document for the environmental impact of the flooring, connected to its life cycle. The EPD’s are created from the standard EN 158 04 and ISO 140 25. Published at


BASTA registration means that we can verify that our product meets agreed properties criteria regarding properties hazardous to the environment and health. See


Best Practice PVC certified for the highest environmentally friendly manufacturing processes. Bolon’s PVC suppliers and their raw materials attained have been assessed for production to the highest environmental standards. Best Practice certification also recognises Bolon’s commitment to end-of-life recycling through Product Stewardship strategies with partners such as TAG in Australia and South East Asia.


Our products are assessed by “Byggvarubedömningen”. This means that our assessed products are examined on chemical content, life-cycle, and sustainable supply chains. In this way we contribute to making it easier to build sustainably. All our products reach the assessment "accepted" Read more on


With this label we improve our transparency and answer the question, What is in our flooring made of and where it comes from. The Declare label evaluates a product according to its compliance of building products within the Living Building Challenge, LEED and WELL building.


The DGNB navigator provides, among other things, architects and construction managers with relevant information about the product that is easy to download and understand. The information is based on data from the EPD.


There are building product declarations for all our products. These declarations enable transparency throughout the construction phase.


Our products are assessed according ECOproduct system. The products are being awarded marks in environmental areas indoor air quality, content of health and environmentally hazardous substances, resource use and global warming potential.


Bolon's floors are Floorscore certified, the certification places high demands on low emissions to ensure the quality of indoor air. Floorscore certification contributes, among other things, to a higher LEED rating.


We are a member of the Swedish Flooring Industry recycling and waste management program.

Golvbranschens Kretsloppsmärkning

Database with information that gives the customer the opportunity to have full control of its contents throughout the life of the floor construction. Product information is shared via eBVD document and shows full transparency.


Our Greentag rating covers social responsibility, product eco-friendly composition, VOC emissions and durability.

GreenTag PhD

The Global GreenTag Product Health Declaration™ PhD recognizes progressive manufacturers who fully disclose the toxicity information of their product ". Input raw materials have been assessed from an environmental and work environment point of view in manufacturing and the products low emissions when used. The declaration complies with material requirements in WELL and LEED.


All Bolon floor products are certified according M1. The classification presents stringent emission requirements for the building materials used in e.g. work spaces and residences with respect to good indoor air quality.


In collaboration with the Norwegian Asthma and Allergy Association.


SundaHus data is used as a tool to fulfill the customer's environmental program, to document the construction products in the building and to keep track of which products are used in the management and operation of the building. The assessment of products is based on different properties and is divided into five classes D, C-, C +, B or A where A is best. Bolon products are placed in Category B, which certifies full control of the production chain all the way down to polymer production.